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Get involved: Submit a story

We want to feature your learning improvement story.

We believe that a good learning outcomes assessment process improves student learning. We are interested in your experience with assessment and improved student learning. Please consider sharing your story.


Read our Guide to Writing Learning Improvement Stories with Your Faculty,  a step-by-step how-to.


The short, evidence-based stories describe your experience and present a compelling and interesting learning improvement story from which others can learn. Stories will have common elements:

  1. What the student learning was like at the first evaluation point (e.g., the numeric values or a description of student performance). 

  2. The faculty’s interpretation that prompted a change aimed at improving learning (e.g., students fell short of expectations).

  3. Specific action(s) taken to address student learning. In other words, the change or intervention aimed at improving learning (e.g., change in pedagogy, policy, curriculum, assignment design, communication, etc.). 

  4. What the learning was like after implementing the change (e.g., improved student performance as evidenced by higher scores).

  5. Sufficient details regarding the meaning-making process and the rationale behind decisions and actions so that others can learn from your story.

  6. A sense of the context and conditions contributing to the improved student learning.

  7. Language and storytelling techniques appropriate for a broad, higher education audience.


500-1000 words (recommended), 3-5 minute video, or approximate equivalent in images or combination of formats.


  • Narratives: doc; docx, rtf

  • Video: avi, wmv, flv, mov, mp4 [1GB video file limit]

  • Images: PDF, jpg, png [10MB file limit]


Provide the following via the online form:

  1. Contact Information: Name, Title/Position, Institution/Organization, Email

  2. At what level was the learning improvement aimed? (Select one) Institution, Program, Course

  3. How was student learning measured/observed? (e.g., exam, rubric applied an assignment)

  4. How do you know that your evidence is trustworthy and credible? (e.g., faculty experts involved; norming session)

  5. Regarding the two groups of students whose learning was measured/observed, briefly outline any steps taken to determine the extent to which the groups were similar (if none, write “none”).

  6. Indicate the number of students and faculty in the population and the number involved. 

  7. Your story (upload file).

  8. Optional: Examples of student work and student voices, anonymized and used with permission, may also be submitted as additional material or referenced via URLs.

Submit a Learning Improvement Story

Thank you for your submission!

Submit a Learning Improvement Story

Please tell us about your story.

Select File
Max File Size 10MB

By submitting my learning improvement story, I give the Learning Improvement Community team the non-exclusive right to publish my story under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, in full or in part, on the Learning Improvement Community website as well as other media, including but not limited to presentations, workshops, and print. I acknowledge that my story may be edited for length and clarity before it is published. Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure compliance with my institution’s IRB guidelines.

Thanks for submitting!

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